Farm Personal Accident Insurance

We know that as a farm owner you generally think of the obvious insurance covers such as liabilities and property when protecting your business; and forget that you are the most important asset your company has, as without you where would it be?

If you, or a key member of your business were to suffer an accident, it could have a major impact on your business.

Whilst there is no requirement to have this kind of cover, there are key questions you need to ask yourself to see if it’s applicable for you.

Personal accident provides your business with financial compensation usually in a lump sum or weekly pay outs to help offset any loss of income in the event of an injury or death to you or an employee as a result of an accident.

The funds provided by a Personal Accident Insurance policy can be used to cover medical expenses, offset the loss prolonged absence could have on revenue or cover the recruitment expenses associated with hiring replacement staff or contractors.


What to do next…

Talk to us about your insurance needs. We firmly believe we can support you to attain the right levels of cover at a fair price for the amount of risk you are willing to take.